Post Date
jan 18MLK Weekend: Serve at Community Food PantrySATURDAY, AGES 8+ WITH GUARDIANNext Step CC, 360 Schermerhorn St
jan 19MLK Weekend: Grocery Shop for Homebound NeighborsSUNDAY All ages, 12+ w/o guardianWegman's, 21 Flushing Ave
jan 20MLK Weekend: Workday at Community Garden (Waitlist)MLK DAY, MONDAY, AGES 8+ w/guardian, 15+ withoutGeorge Washington Carver Community Garden, 110 Walton Street, Brooklyn
jan 22MLK Week: Eat Dinner and Clean up at our Community Dinner with local Refugee FamiliesWEDNESDAY, All AgesSt. Ann & the Holy Trinity Church, 157 Montague Street
jan 24MLK Week: Fresh Fridge FridayFRIDAY BEFORE SCHOOL, All Ages, Ages 10+ w/o guardianBrooklyn Heights Community Fridge, 124 Henry Street
feb 6Cook & Fill the FridgeTHURSDAY, Age 8 - 17 years oldSt. Ann & the Holy Trinity Church, 157 Montague Street
feb 12Eat Dinner and Clean up at our Community Dinner with local Refugee FamiliesWEDNESDAY, All AgesSt. Ann & the Holy Trinity Church, 157 Montague Street